
The world’s first organic, Earth-friendly, fully value backed next generation electronic currency.

About the brand

Terocoin (TERO) is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that redefines the very essence of value by recognizing and tokenizing Earth's most vital resource—its land, natural vegetation, and wildlife thriving in their native habitats. Terocoin is more than a digital currency; it's a symbol of our commitment to preserving the environment and fostering sustainable growth.

The Mission

When we undertook the task of branding Terocoin, our mission was to translate its revolutionary vision into a visual identity that conveyed both its ecological ethos and its technological innovation. We recognized the responsibility of representing a cryptocurrency deeply rooted in environmental values. Our goal was to create a brand that would inspire trust and resonate with individuals and organizations seeking to make a positive ecological impact.

The Concept

The brand concept for Terocoin draws inspiration from the very essence of the cryptocurrency—Earth and its life-sustaining ecosystems. The logo design integrates natural elements, such as the land, leaves, and wildlife, encapsulating the brand's core concept of Earth-friendly tokenization.