Stoic Records

Control your sound, domain your sences.

About the brand

Stoic Records, a dynamic new music label in the vibrant Mexican music scene, stands as a testament to creative fusion and cultural pride. This trailblazing label embodies a unique blend of tradition and innovation, drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Mexican culture.

The Mission

When entrusted with crafting Stoic Records' brand identity, our mission was to encapsulate the label's distinctive essence. We embarked on a journey to create a logo that harmonized tradition and modernity. The challenge was to symbolize stoicism and constancy while celebrating the ever-evolving Mexican music landscape. Our goal was to design a visual identity that would resonate with both artists and audiences, conveying a sense of timelessness and artistic exploration.

The Concept

The heart of Stoic Records' brand concept lies in the letter 'S.' We sculpted a symmetrical, palindromic 'S'—a true embodiment of stoicism. It stands unwavering, whether right-side up or upside down, mirroring the label's commitment to constancy. The bold, dynamic colors, drawn from the vibrancy of Mexican culture, infuse the brand with energy and passion. Stoic Records' brand concept celebrates the label's fusion of heritage and innovation, encouraging artists and audiences alike to embark on a musical journey that is as timeless as it is contemporary.